Maddocks HL, Stewart M, Fortin M, Glazier RH. Characteristics of consistently high primary health care users in the DELPHI database: Retrospective study of electronic medical records. Canadian Family Physician. 2020 Jan 1;66(1):45-52.
Ramond-Roquin A, Stewart M, Ryan BL, Richards M, Sussman J, Brown JB, Bouhali T, Bestard-Denommé L, Fortin M. The “Patient-centered coordination by a care team” questionnaire achieves satisfactory validity and reliability. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2019 Sep 3;33(5):558-69. DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2018.1554633.
Pariser P, Pham TT, Brown JB, Stewart M, Charles J. Connecting People With Multimorbidity to Interprofessional Teams Using Telemedicine. Annals of Family Medicine. 2019 Aug 12; 17 (Suppl 1): S57-S62, Coauthor, DOI: 10.1370/afm.2379.
Nicholson K, Almirall J, Fortin M. (2019). The Measurement of Multimorbidity. Health Psychology, 2019; 38(9): 783-790.
Nguyen TN, Ngangue P, Bouhali T, Ryan BL, Stewart M, Fortin M. Social vulnerability in patients with multimorbidity: A cross-sectional analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019 Jan;16(7):1244. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16071244.
Poitras ME, Maltais ME, Bouhali T, Bestard-Denommé L, Stewart M, Fortin M. What are the effective elements in patient-centered and multimorbidity care? A scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Jun 14; 18 (1): 446. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3213-8.
Fortin M. It-that-must-not-be-named. Canadian Family Physician. 2018; 64(12): 881-82.
Sasseville M, Stewart M, Bouhali T, Fortin M. Relevant Outcomes for Patient-centered Interventions for Persons with Multimorbidity: Experts’ Discussion. Annals of Family Medicine. 2017 Jul 1; 15 (4): 388-389. DOI: 10.1370/afm.2116.
Stewart M, Fortin M, with the PACE in MM Team, Belanger M, Bestard-Denomme L, Bhattacharyya O, Borges DS, Bouhali T, Brown JB, Charles J, Chouinard MC, Emond V, Gallagher F, Glazier RH, Hogg WE, Katz A, Loignon C, Pariser P, Pham T-N, Piccinini-Vallis H, Reichert S, Ryan BL, Sampalli T, Sussman J, Thind A, Wodchis W, Wong ST, Zwarenstein MF, Couture M, Huras PW. Patient-Centred Innovations for Persons with Multimorbidity: funded evaluation protocol. CMAJ Open. 2017 May 9; 5 (2): E365-E372. DOI: 10.9778/cmajo.20160097.
Ramon-Roquin A, Fortin M. Towards Increased Visibility of Multimorbidity Research / Editorial including original data. Journal of Comorbidity. 2016; 6(2): 42-45.
Fortin M, Couture M, Bouhali T, Leclerc E, Stewart M. It Takes Two to Tango: Researchers and Decision-Makers Collaborating to Implement Practice Changes for Patients with Multimorbidity. Healthcare Quarterly. 2016 Jan 1; 19 (2): 55-59.
Stewart M, Fortin M, Bouhali T, Denomme LB. Success in leading collaborative research. Canadian Family Physician. 2015 Jun 1; 61 (6): 565-6.
Ploeg J, Wong ST, Hassani K, Yous ML, Fortin M, Kendall C, Liddy C, Markle-Reid M, Petrovic B, Dionne E, Scott CM. Contextual factors influencing the implementation of innovations in community-based primary health care: the experience of 12 Canadian research teams. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2019;20(e107): 1-13.
Wong S, Langton J, Katz A, Fortin M, Godwin M, Green M, Grunfeld E, Hassani K, Kendall C, Ploeg J, Wodchis W, Haggerty J. Promoting cross-jurisdictional primary health care research: implementing 12 Community Based Primary Health Care teams across Canada. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2019;20(e7): 1-7.
Ben Charif A, Hassani K, Wonmg S, Zomahoun HTV, Fortin M, Kendall C, Li KS, Liddy C, Nicholson K, Petrovic B,Ploeg J, Légaré F. Scalability assessment of evidence-based innovations in community based primary health care: a cross-sectional study. CMAJ-Open. 2018; 6(4):E520-27.
Kendall C, Fitzgerald M, Kang RS, Wong S, Katz A, Fortin M, Dionne E, Kuluski K, O'Brien MA, Ploeg J, Crowe L, Liddy C. Still learning and evolving in our approaches: Patient and stakeholder engagement among Canadian community-based primary health care researchers. Research Involvement and Engagement. 2018; 4(47): PMID: 30524753.
La cooccurrence de plusieurs conditions médicales chroniques (deux ou plus) chez un même individu
Synthèse réaliste
Une synthèse réaliste propose en premier lieu de rendre explicite les mécanismes sous-jacents du fonctionnement d?une intervention dans un contexte donné
Problème de santé chronique
Un problème de santé nécessitant une prise en charge continue sur une période de plusieurs années ou décennies