Patient Committee




Mary Shamley (ON)

Christine Loignon (QC)






Patient input is highly valued and consist of patients from QC and ON. The aim is to help ensure a positive patient experience in the CDPM programs under study.
















Twelve patients will be asked to:

  1. Share their stories;
  2. Develop a group definition of patient-centred care;
  3. From that definition, create a framework to advise the research on the degree of patient-centredness of the programs under study.
  4. On an on-going basis, review the definition of patient-centred care developed at study beginning with a view to identifying its strengths, weaknesses, and usefulness as well as opportunities for further development of a patient-centred definition which may arise as a result of the research process.











This will include:

  1. Input into program’s transformation  process
  2. Assist with the interviewer’s guide for qualitative study
  3. Regularly report to the entire Team as required or requested
  4. Other input as may be requested



Potential members  














Patients from two provinces will be purposively selected by the health professionals of the CDPM programs according to the following criteria:

  • adult age;
  • have multimorbidity;
  • had positive and /or negative experiences of care;
  • articulate;
  • capable of expressing the full range of their narrative;
  • a range of socioeconomic characteristics










Frances Gallagher (Quebec Committee)

Sonja Reichert (Ontario Committee)

Bridget Ryan  (Ontario Committee)